External access

Click on your name in the top right corner on Settings. Then choose the External access option.

You can add multiple external persons to your Simulise profile at the same time. Think about:

  • internship supervisors
  • field assessors
  • parents or
  • other third parties.
People you give access to your Simulise profile can...
  • view your community posts and like, react, and favorite
  • view your profile
  • view your portfolio
  • give a reflection or recommendation on your portfolio upon invitation.

It is important that you think carefully about who will and who will not give you access to your Simulise profile.

Invitations (accepted or not) can be withdrawn at any time.

Inviting an external

Click Send New Invitation to enter the external person's name and email address. They must first approve the email before they can be invited to fill in a reflection or recommendation for you.

Withdrawal of invitation

If you no longer want to give someone access to your profile, you can revoke access. Click Revoke Access (for an accepted invitation) and Revoke Invitation (for an invitation sent but not accepted).

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