Two factor authentication

Two factor authentication is an extra step during login (authentication). In addition to entering the username/email and password, an additional code is required, which is obtained via an app on your phone.

Two-factor on or off

Click on your name in the top right corner on Settings. Then choose the option Two-factor authentication and click on Configure authentication app.

When you enable two factor, you will be asked to scan a QR code with an authenticator app, such as Google Authenticator.

You will receive a code after scanning. Enter this code at the bottom of the page:

Now two factor is enabled and you can only log in using a code from the app.

If you have the Administrator role, the two factor authentication cannot be disabled if there is no Single Sign On with another system. This in connection with protection of data in the system.

If you have a new phone and you have enabled two factor and you are no longer able to log in, your two factor must be reset. The Simulise management can do this on the environment.

Have you enabled two factor and the code is still not approved. Then it may be that the time of the phone is not equal to the server time. The phone's clock should then be set to automatic.

Two factor authentication reset

There are a number of ways to disable "Two-factor authentication" on a Simulise account:

  • Use of backup codes: After enabling the two-factor authentication, you have had the opportunity to generate backup codes, you can use these to log in to your Simulise account after which you can disable and re-enable the two-factor authentication to to set it up again.
  • Via a Simulise administrator at your school: An administrator at the Simulise environment at your school can disable two-factor authentication for your account. He/she goes to Administration --> Users --> edit your account --> Reset 2 factor authentication.
  • Via Simulise: In exceptional cases we can disable two-factor authentication for your account, for this we will go through a number of verifications with you to make sure we have the right person for us.
Tip: When re-enabling the two-factor authentication, do not forget to generate (new) backup codes and keep them in a safe place.
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