Review from the group overview

In the group overview, you can among other things, see which students, teachers, and assignments are linked to the group. It's also possible to assess assignments from here.

  1. Chose Assignments overview

The following screen opens:

  1. Select one assignment that you would like to assess and click on the square checkboxes below the profile picture of the students.
  2. When you click on this, the assignment of the student will open along with the list of students in the group.

  1. Now, assess your assignment. If you choose the option Finish & Next, you will move to the first available assignment in the assessable list.
  2. By clicking on a name or the square checkbox, you will navigate to the assignment of the student.
  3. The icon at the bottom allows you to collapse the list, showing only the profile pictures along with the square checkbox.

Submissions for assignment

If you are interested in all the submission pieces that the students have posted for the assignment, you can download all the submission pieces per assignment via this overview.

  • Select 'Download Submission Pieces' using the blue arrow.
  • The download will start and appear in your notifications.
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