My workgroups

Anyone can create a Workgroup. The person who creates a workgroup is the administrator and can add others. You will be notified if you are added to a workgroup.

If you cannot create a workgroup, this has been disabled by the Simulise administrator of your school.

Within a Working Group:
  • you can make a joint to-do list.
  • do you have your own Community timeline for sharing information and files
  • Collaborate on portfolio items.
You can also give all students and all teachers of the school read or disk permissions in workgroups.

Create workgroup

To start a workgroup, go to Groups in the left menu. Then click on the green plus button.

  • Choose a name (and optionally an icon) for your workgroup.
  • Add a short description of your workgroup so that others know why this workgroup exists.
  • Add others to Users by entering part of the name and selecting it.
  • If necessary, add a subject and tags to make it easier to find workgroups later.
  • Make sure the Privacy is set correctly.
    • The privacy setting decides if other students or teachers, which are not active in the workgroup can write or read in the workgroup his community.

Delete a workgroup

Only the administrator of the workgroup can delete workgroups. Every member will be notified of this. The workgroup is also always quarantined for 30 days before it is actually deleted. This provides the ability to secure files or tasks for each group member.

Share files in the workgroup

In the workgroup community you can easily share files with the other members. By adding an attachment to a status update, you share a file with the workgroup. Click Attachment  under 'What are you working on' and attach a file.

Share tasks in a workgroup

You can work on joint and separate tasks within your workgroup so that everyone knows what to do. The tasks are on the To-do list.

Add task

Click Add to the To-do list.

At 'Create to do' you enter the description of the task.

At 'Assigned to' you can assign a specific workgroup member or members. If you do not do this, all workgroup members can set this task as completed. When you have 'Everyone Separate' turned on, each workgroup member must set this task as completed.

Complete task  Put a checkmark 'Mark completed' in front of the Task.
Renew task Clicking on Mark as to do again for the task marks the task as incomplete again.
Delete task By clicking on the red cross behind the task, the task disappears for all workgroup members.

Remove yourself from a workgroup

To remove yourself from a workgroup, open the workgroup and click Members. You will then see who the members and administrator of this group are. You can then choose to remove yourself by clicking Kick. Group admins can remove anyone. Members can only remove themselves.

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