Collaboration in your portfolio
An item in your portfolio that you created with someone else can also be linked to your workgroup, allowing you to share the file.
Here's how to do it:
- Navigate to your Portfolio.
- Select the item you want to share with your workgroup.
- Click on Edit.
- Choose View More Settings.
- Select the Collaboration option and choose the appropriate workgroup.
Note: A portfolio item that has already been submitted for an assignment cannot be set up for collaboration.
Don’t forget to save the item after applying the new settings. By linking a workgroup to an item, all members of the workgroup will receive a notification inviting them to collaborate. They can accept this invitation, after which their name and profile picture will appear alongside the item and in their portfolio.
When collaboration takes place:
- All workgroup members who accept the collaboration will also receive the item in their portfolio.
- If someone likes, favorites, or comments on the document, all collaborators will receive a notification.