Add work to your portfolio

In your Portfolio, you can store all your work in the form of files, images, links or videos as you like. You can find your portfolio by clicking on My Portfolio in the menu.

Once you arrive in your portfolio, you can choose between pages or work. Now select the Work tab and follow the steps below:

  • To add an item to your portfolio, select + New. Now, choose one of the following options:
    • Text: Write a blog, article, or reflection for your portfolio. The text can include images and videos.
    • File: Upload a photo, video, document, PowerPoint, or other file types you want to add to your portfolio. Files can be uploaded from Google Drive, OneDrive, or your local environment.
    • Link: Add a link to a YouTube video or a website you created yourself.

Simulise supports almost all file types. The maximum upload size is 10GB per item. If it doesn’t work or the file type you want to upload is not yet supported, please send an email to

  • Featured image: At the top, you will find the banner (featured image). This image will be displayed on the main page. If no featured image is selected, your portfolio banner will appear blurred in the background.
  • Title: Give your work item a suitable title (required). The title is shown in the portfolio.
    • If you choose to add a file, the file name will automatically be chosen as the title, but it can be edited afterward.
  • Privacy: Determine who can see the work. For a clearer description of all privacy settings, read: Privacy settings portfolio.
  • View more settings:
    • Add labels to your work item here. Labeling makes it easy to find your work items.
    • Add a description under the Summary heading. The description will be visible on the main page beneath the work item.
    • Are you collaborating on this work item with someone else? Choose Collaborate, and add the working group to the document.
    • Would you like to display more metadata of your image in the portfolio, such as lighting, camera model, aperture, and similar details? Then choose Display metadata file.

If you don't see any labels you can add or are unable to create a label yourself, please check with your school's administrator.

  • Then choose save and your work will be added to the portfolio.
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