Post comments or files on the Community

There are 2 ways to post content to the community
  1. You can immediately place text and a file with status update. This is very similar to the possibilities of Facebook or Linkedin. Note: This functionality may be disabled at your school. Check with the Simulise administrator if this function is missing.

2. You can share a portfolio item by indicating that it may appear on the Community timeline. You do this by setting the item's Privacy to appear on the Community timeline for all groups you're in.

Who do you share messages with?

There are two options:
Specific: You can post something on the Community Timeline for a specific group. Then only the participants (teachers and students) of the group concerned will see this.
  • If you post a separate contribution, you choose the group in which it may be published under Stream. You can also go to the Community of that group itself under Groups.
  • If you share a portfolio item, you choose the option Only visible for the people and groups that I choose myself. You can then only choose the groups in which you belong.
General: You can also share something on the Community Timeline with anyone you're in a group with. So if you have 3 groups, it will be visible to everyone in those 3 groups.
  • If you post a single status update, you don't specify a specific group in the Community.
  • If you share a portfolio item, choose the option Visible in Simulise and it will appear on your Community timeline.
NB: Sometimes the administrator at your school has determined that with the General sharing not only the groups you are part of see the contributions, but also, for example, a grade or entire school. Please check with your school administrator.
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