Edit assignment

Assignments in Simulise can only be edited under the following conditions:

  • You are one of the authors of the assignment.
  • You are an administrator.

Assignments are fully editable only if students have not yet started working on them. If students have already begun, the assignment will be partially editable. In the assignment library, you can identify whether an assignment is fully or partially editable.

To edit an assignment Click on the blue square next to the assignment and select Edit. You can modify the following options:

  • Title and description of the assignment.
  • Add or remove locations.
  • Add new metadata to the assignment using labels.
  • Add additional authors to the assignment.
  • Add feedback questions.
  • Add or change the requirements for submission items.
    • Note: If a submission item is optional, it cannot be made mandatory afterward.
  • Add new resources to the description, such as files, videos, or links.

Restrictions: You cannot:

  • Add new rubrics or change the rubric settings.
  • Add reflection invitations or change the settings of existing reflections.

Note: Save changes per tab in the assignment to ensure all modifications are applied successfully.

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