Assignment overview

In all groups, teachers can view overviews of the students and the status of the assignments.

You can find the assignment overview by going to Groups and then clicking on the group for which you want to see the overview. then click on Assignments overview.

By hovering over the icons above you can see the name of the student. Only assignments and lesson plans assigned to students within this group appear in this overview.

The overview starts with Plans. Following that are the titles of Plans, including the reviewer(s) within which the assignments are listed. In the Single Assignments overview, all assignments are displayed, including the reviewer(s) and deadline (if applicable), which are not included in a lesson plan.

Clicking on the name of the reviewer filters the overview to display all assignments by this reviewer. Then, clicking on the blue square reveals several options:

  • View Assignment: Clicking here opens the view side of the assignment.
  • Edit Deadline: From here, you can directly edit the deadline of the assignment for this group.
  • View Assigned Badges: See at a glance which badges have been awarded to which students in this group.
  • Download deliverables: If there are deliverables linked to the assignment, this option appears. This allows you to directly export all deliverables per student.

The overview has different statuses:

  • ✓ - Finished
  • ... - In progress
  • ○  - Not started yet
  • (!) - Vraag om feedback
  • (!) - Not reviewed yet
  • 🕑 - Deadline past

By hovering over the overviews with your mouse, you can see an explanation of the status. Clicking on the status takes you to the assignment of the relevant student.
As soon as a feedback question is open or an assignment has been submitted, an exclamation mark (!) will appear in the overview. Action must be taken on this. The designated assessors of this assignment will also receive a notification.

Filtering the order overview

The overview offers many options for filtering. For example, by entering the name of a student, an assessor or a skill in the filter bar, only a report of the assignments or students that are mentioned will appear.

You can also filter on the different statuses of the assignment. During the review process, it can be useful to have the Status: Need Action filter turned on.

The filter will be saved and will be there when you return. If you do not see all the student data: remove the filter.

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