Why work with a plan?

A Plan in Simulise means that different assignments are brought together. All teachers can create a Plan. The assignments you want to bring together must already exist before you can add them to a Plan.

You can read how creating assignments works in the training for assignments.
Within a Plan you can work with:
  • assignments in a fixed order: the next assignment cannot be started before the previous one has been submitted.
  • optional assignments where there is a choice but a mandatory number of assignments must be done.
  • a combination of both of the above
As a teacher, you can hand out a separate assignment or hand it out via a lesson plan. Both are not necessary, because the student will receive the assignment twice.
Students can work on multiple Plans at the same time. The student sees the Plan in his Assignments Summary.

Advantages of a Plan compared to individual assignments

The main advantage is that you do not have to assign individual assignments but immediately assign a whole plan, including the deadlines, if applicable. This can certainly be useful for LOB or a mentoring program, so that the mentor hands out a ready-made package.
In addition, it is clear to a student what he has to work on and he only receives the next assignment when it is necessary.
Assignments can always be added within a lesson plan, even if students have already started the lesson plan. However, assignments can only be added after the last assignment that students have already started.
Disadvantages of a lesson plan compared to individual assignments
There is less freedom for the student or the teacher/mentor to deviate from the plan.
Example lesson plan 

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