Create a plan

 Look at the Library section and select Plans. Then choose +New plan.
Add the basic information first:

  1. Give the lesson plan a clear Title. For example, LOB 5 VWO 2021-2022. This is the only mandatory part.
  2. Provide a Description if needed: useful for colleagues who want to know what the plan is about.
  3. Optionally, enter a start and end date for the entire lesson plan. The assignments within a lesson plan can also be provided with start and end dates. This is not necessary, by the way, and if you fill it in, students cannot start the assignment before that date or submit it after the end date.
  4. Link any Authors to this plan who are allowed to change the content of the Plan and Tags to make the plan easier to find in the Library.
  5. Check Active only when the lesson plan is ready. Active means that the Plan is available to students of the groups assigned to the lesson plan.

Now you are ready to add the commands. You start at the flag and can choose per step between a single assignment (Add assignment) or a choice group (New choice group).

A. Add a single assignment by clicking on Add assignment, you will now enter the assignment library. The filter in the Assignments library defaults to Contributed to. By removing or changing this filter, assignments from a colleague can also be found. Select the desired command and click Add command.
B. Add a Selection group by choosing New Selection group. A Selection group is intended to give students a choice of different assignments, in which they determine the order themselves.
With a Selection you can specify the minimum number of assignments in the choice group that must be completed (this can also be all assignments).
If necessary, set a start time and deadline. These cannot fall outside the period specified in the dates of the Plan.
The different blocks of assignments and Selection groups can easily be dragged and dropped to change the order.
Adding assignments to the Selection  block works just like adding an individual assignment.
After this, several single assignments or Selection groups can be added so that the lesson plan becomes more and more extensive. When all assignments have been added, choose Save or Make active then the lesson plan can also be assigned.
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