Import users (Excel)

To place users directly in the right groups, you must first create Groups according to your own structure.

You can then place the Group names (classes) in a column in the CSV file and students and teachers are immediately added to the right group.

Add users to multiple groups

You can add users to 1 class, for example the main group of a student/pupil, but also to multiple groups. Think of the groups that a teacher teaches or students in the upper years who are in clusters (lesson groups).
Multiple groups can be included in the CSV file as follows:
  1. one column per group
  2. 1 column containing all groups to which the person should be linked, separated by a "space" or a ",".
Example simple file:
Download a simple student file here where users are created and placed in the correct group. A user is associated with one group: VoorbeeldCSV-bo0.csv
Extended file example:
Download an extended file here where users are added to multiple groups and given differentiated rights: ExampleCSV_extended.csv
In the image above there is 1 column per group.
This contains all groups in 1 column. Separated by a space or by a comma. When a space is chosen, the advanced option 'no spaces for groups' must be selected in step data mapping.
It is also possible to have group names to which a parent group is linked, such as: 4m.du2 or 4m/du2. In this case, “4m” is the level above 4m.du2. These groups can be imported and separated in du2 under 4m during the import by turning on the advanced option 'hierarchical groups' in the data mapping.
Note: Group names must be UNIQUE. Otherwise the import will not know which group is intended and the user will NOT be placed in any group. If groups nevertheless have a non-unique name, the Simulise ID of the group can also be placed in the CSV file instead of the name. You will find this ID at the top when opening a group.
Go to Administration in the left menu and then to Import. Then choose +New Import.
  • Enter a name for the import to find the import activity later.
  • Select Type of Users.
  • At Parent group you can optionally choose a specific group under which groups should be searched when reading in.
  • Choose a CSV file from your computer to read.
  • Choose Continue to read the file. Following this is the Data mapping screen. Here the fields from the CSV file are linked to the correct fields in Simulise.
The following fields can be linked from the CSV file to be imported:
  • External ID
  • Full name
  • Email address
  • Role (optional, default: student)
  • Username (optional, default: generated). Users can always log in with their email address.
  • Group (optional, default: empty)
  • Is administrator (optional, default: no)
  • Is moderator (optional, default: no)
  • Is assignment author (optional, default: no)
  • Is rubric author (optional, default: no)
External ID
An External ID can be the ID of users from, for example, the student administration system. This ID is used in Simulise as the UNIQUE ID instead of the e-mail address.
Full name
The name can be constructed with the values from multiple columns from the CSV file. So it's no problem to have a first name, last name and prefix field. These are combined when reading.
The email address is required when importing users. The user will then receive the activation email and then notifications.
The role is optional can be one of the following (case insensitive): student, teacher, teacher. If no role is specified, this is student/student.
User name
If no username is specified, it will be generated from the name, using the following format: first letter first name + last name. So in the case of Jan Jansen this becomes jjansen.When a composite username occurs several times, a number is added.
Placing in a group is only possible if these groups have already been created in Simulise. Placing in a group is done based on the Simulise group name or ID. If the name is matched and there are multiple groups in the system with the same name, it will be ignored. The ID can be found on the 'Edit' page of the group. An external ID which can be specified when creating or editing a group or the name can also be used.
Extra options
Administrator, moderator, assignment and rubric author are matched on the following values (case insensitive):
  • Yes: y, yes, y, yes, 1
  • No: n, no, no, 0
After linking and matching the fields, you will receive an email that the first phase of matching is ready and a page will appear with the result of the reading activity.
All green rows are read correctly, the red ones will not work and have to be adjusted. Any blue bars indicate that this user is already known and may be modified or supplemented with new data.
Users can be edited by clicking Edit on the blue block at the back of the row.
An incorrectly matched user can be opened with this, the error is indicated and can be fixed here. By saving, the restore action is saved and the import can be continued by clicking Start import. Then users are read in definitively.
After you have clicked on Start import, you can adjust a number of things for existing users.
You can choose to add new groups to these users or replace the existing groups with the groups to be imported. In addition, if the name or username differs, you can choose whether or not to change it when importing this file.
You will receive an email when the import is ready and all users have been read into Simulise.
Imports can also be rolled back by choosing Rollback after the import. The entire read file can also be activated with the Reset and mail button so that all users imported with this file receive an activation email. Even if this activation email has not been sent before.

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