Add users manually

To manually create users, click Administration and then Users. An overview will then appear of all users who have been added to Simulise.

Create users

You can create users by clicking + New user. Here you enter:
Name [required] – the full first and last name. Simulise recognises prefixes and splits the name itself if necessary.
Mail [required] – the user's email address that may receive messages and activation email.
Username [required] – Create a username. It must not contain spaces or capital letters. Also characters are not allowed in the username. In addition to the email address, you can also log in with the username.
Label – This is optional. The label is shown to the end user in the community timeline. By default, the role is shown here by Simulise (Student, Teacher).
Groups – if the groups have already been created, the correct group or groups to which the user will belong can be selected here. Type in the first letters of the group and a list of groups to select will appear.
Role [required] – Enter the role of the end user here. Choices are:
  • Student means that the user can be assigned to a class and see assignments associated with the class.
  • Teacher means that the user can be placed as an umbrella above a group and see groups.
Additional options are:
Administrator – The Administrator is the administrator of the entire school environment. This can be several. The administrator can log in as any user and can adjust all the settings of the environment. The administrator can also create competency diagrams.
Assignment author – Assignment authors can develop assignments and rubrics and place them in Simulise. Without this role you can only use assignments and not develop yourself.
Moderator – Moderators can make changes to the community's comments and, for example, delete annoying posts. Intended for students/teachers who are assigned this responsibility.
Page Template Author - Individuals with these rights can develop Page Templates for groups within the organization. The page template will then be available in the portfolio of the students of this group
Skill autor - Persons with these rights can add and remove competences from the Simulise environment and also develop and prepare competence diagrams for different groups.
E-mail password link – If you check this box, Simulise will immediately send an activation e-mail to the newly created user. This can also happen later at a self-chosen time by unchecking this box now.
External ID - Optionally, a unique ID from other school systems can be specified here so that it can be matched when reading files.
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