Create pages
Pages in your Portfolio can be used to showcase your collected work on a specific topic or over a certain period. You can create as many pages as you like. Pages can:
- Be submitted as part of Assignments.
- Be shared with internship supervisors, parents, or other users.
Creating a New Page
To create a page:
- Navigate to the Portfolio.
- Select the Pages tab.
- Click +New.
- Featured Image: Add a banner that will be displayed as the image for your page in the portfolio. This helps you recognize your page and is also included during export.
- Next, you can add elements to your page. By clicking + Start adding elements, you can choose from the following options:
- Profile: Your profile will be displayed on your page.
- Text: A text area will be added to your page. You can also include an image or a link in this element.
- Recommendation: Use a recommendation to request feedback from teachers, students, or externals on your page.
- File: Choose this option if you want to add a file.
- Link: Adding a link can be useful if you have uploaded a video for your assignment on, for example, YouTube. Copy the YouTube link and your video will appear on your page.
- Skills diagram: In Simulise, you work on your competencies. The diagram makes these competencies visible. Add one or more diagrams to your page to showcase your skills!
- Portfolio Item: Choose one piece of evidence for your page.
- List of Portfolio Items: Choose multiple pieces of evidence for your page. These items can show why you possess certain qualities.
Page Settings
- Privacy Settings: Determine who can view your page. The default setting is decided by your school, but you can change it.
Curious about how privacy settings work? See: Privacy Settings for Portfolio Items.
- Homepage: Decide if the page should serve as your homepage. The homepage is displayed under the Home tab in the portfolio.
Anyone visiting your portfolio will land on the homepage by default.
- Additional Settings:
- Labels: Use labels to easily organize and find your pages. Your school determines which labels you can use or if you can create your own.
- Description: Add a description that will appear beneath the page in the portfolio.
Received page templates
A page template is a page that has been developed by the school in a template format. The elements that have been added to the template can be filled in by you. The page templates that have been prepared for you can be found under Templates in pages.
You cannot add new elements to a page template. However, you can choose not to fill in all the elements. The elements that are not filled in will not be visible on the page.
If a page template is provided with labels, these labels will also appear on your page, provided the labels are allowed in the portfolio. However, as a student, you always retain the right to remove and/or add new labels.