Add new pages

Pages in Portfolio can be used to showcase your collected work on a particular topic or period. You can share and show this page to, for example, parents, internship supervisors, or your mentor. You can create as many pages as you like in your Portfolio. You will find the pages in the Portfolio under Pages.

To create a new page, choose + New . You can also create pages based on a template that has already been prepared by your school. The prepared page templates are listed on the pages page.

Adding new page

To create a new page, choose + New. You will then be taken to the following screen.

  • Select a featured image: A featured image will be displayed as the image of your page. This helps you recognize your page. Additionally, the image will also be included in the export.

  • Next, you can add elements to your page. By clicking + Start adding elements, you can choose from the following options:
    • Profile: Your profile will be displayed on your page.
    • Text: A text area will be added to your page. You can also include an image or a link in this element.
    • Recommendation: Use a recommendation to request feedback from teachers, students, or externals on your page.
    • File: Choose this option if you want to add a file.
    • Link: Adding a link can be useful if you have uploaded a video for your assignment on, for example, YouTube. Copy the YouTube link and your video will appear on your page.
    • Skills diagram: In Simulise, you work on your competencies. The diagram makes these competencies visible. Add one or more diagrams to your page to showcase your skills!
    • Portfolio Item: Choose one piece of evidence for your page.
    • List of Portfolio Items: Choose multiple pieces of evidence for your page. These items can show why you possess certain qualities.

Privacy-settings pages

The privacy settings determine who can view your page. Depending on the settings being active for your school, the following options are available:

  • Visible only to me (draft): The page is visible only to you. Anyone who navigates to your portfolio will not see this page.
  • Visible to students and teachers in my groups / Visible to students and teachers in my school: The page is visible to all teachers and students who are in a group that you are also part of. If you are unsure who is in a group you belong to, navigate to the groups module and view the groups you are in. Or the page is visible to all teachers and students in your school.
  • Visible only to my teachers / Visible for teachers in my school: The page is visible to all teachers who are linked to a group that you are also in. Or the page is visible to all teachers in your school.
  • Only visual for.. : Choose who you want to share the page with. You can select individual users or entire groups.

The school determines which setting is checked by default here. You can always make a different choice.

Your portfolio is not visible outside your school. You can Invite Externals yourself. They are then allowed to see your portfolio.

Additional Settings

  • Set as your profile's homepage: If this toggle is activated, the page will be designated as the homepage. When the portfolio is opened, you will land on this homepage.
  • View more settings:
    • Add labels to your page here. Labeling makes it easy to find your pages.
    • Add a description under the "Summary" heading. The description will be visible on the main page beneath the page.
  • Finally, choose "Save" to place your page in your portfolio.
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