What is a portfolio?
The Portfolio is central to Simulise. It serves as a space to store all your work, showcasing your skills and achievements. The portfolio is also accessible via your mobile device. You can add the following elements to your portfolio:
- Blogs: Write your own texts using our portfolio editor.
- Links: Add links to your favorite websites.
- Videos: Include self-created videos in your portfolio.
- Files: Upload any type of file, such as Word documents, PDFs, Excel spreadsheets, and even more unique file types supported by the portfolio.
Each individual item is referred to as a work item. A collection of different pieces of work can be organized on a page. Portfolio items can be submitted at any time for an assignment or shared on the Community timeline, allowing other students and teachers to view and interact with the item.
For every portfolio item you publish, you can use privacy settings to decide who is allowed to view it. The portfolio is maintained throughout your school career—or longer—and labels can be used to provide an organized structure.
You keep access to your portfolio throughout your entire school period. After graduation, you can choose to take your portfolio with you.