Reviewing not submitted assignment

In Simulise, an assignment does not need to be submitted by the student before the assessor can evaluate it. This allows the assessor to:

  • Evaluate the assignment without requiring any action from the student.
  • Clean up the student's assignments module if there are an excessive number of assignments listed.
  • Skip assignments in a lesson plan.

To evaluate an assignment, navigate to the specific assignment for the student. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Navigate to the student's assignments module.
  2. Navigate to the assignments overview and locate the specific assignment.

Once the assignment is opened, the assessor can choose to complete it with or without an evaluation (if rubrics are linked to the assignment).

Removing an Assignment from a Student’s Assignments Module

In some cases, a student may have too many assignments listed in their assignments module. This could happen if:

  • The assignment was initially assigned to a group the student was part of but has since been moved to a new group.
  • The student started the assignment earlier but never submitted it.
  • The assignment does not need to be completed by this particular student, even though they are part of a group that received it.
  • The student received the assignment twice by mistake.

To remove one of the assignments from the student’s assignments module, follow these steps:

  1. Select the assignment you want to remove from the overview.
  2. Choose Complete without review. This action does not affect the competency diagram.
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