Reviewing submitted assignments and provide feedback

Assignments are evaluated by reviewers, who can be teachers or students. Curious about how to become a reviewer for a group on a specific assignment? Check it out here: Distribute Assignment.

There are three places where you can find assignments to be reviewed:

  • If an assignment is set up for review, the reviewer(s) will receive a notification. Click on the notification to access and review the assignment.
  • In the Review module (left navigation menu), where all assignments awaiting your review will appear.
  • View the status of all assignments distributed to a group through the Assignments Overview for each group and see which assignments still need to be reviewed.

Review through review module

This explanation is about reviewing via Review in the left menu.
  1. Go to Review. Here you’ll find the list of assignments requiring your action. The following statuses are available:
    1. To Review: This assignment still needs to be reviewed. None of the reviewers have started it yet.
    2. In Progress: This assignment still needs to be reviewed, but one of the reviewers has already opened it for review.
    3. To Respond: The assignment is configured with feedback questions. The student has used this option and submitted a question to the reviewer(s). The reviewer(s) can respond to the question without finalizing the review of the assignment.

Is your module full, and are you looking for a specific assignment to review? Use the Filters button to filter by Group, Student, Specific Assignment, or sort by last name under Assigned To. This way, you can tailor the list to your specific needs.

  1. To review an assignment, click on the assignment title. The submitted assignment will now open.
  2. Under Submitted Items, you’ll find the portfolio items that have been submitted. Click on them to view. The submitted item will open as a PDF. You can now:
    1. View
    2. Download
    3. View in the portfolio
  3. If rubrics are linked to the assignment, the student, depending on the settings, must first reflect on a rubric before the reviewer(s) do so. At the bottom of each criterion, the student’s profile picture indicates the choice the student made. Below the selection fields, there may be a justification provided.
    1. During the review, the rubrics completed by the student must also be filled in by the reviewer(s). Click on the criterion field to make your assessment.
    2. Use the Reset button to redo your assessment on the rubrics entirely.

Want to assess everything at a single level? Click on the badge image to ensure that the rubrics are filled in at the desired criterion.

If the assignment contains Optional rubrics and the student has not filled them in himself, you cannot score the rubric as a teacher.

  1. Inviting Reflection. For each assignment, it can be configured whether inviting users or external participants for reflection is optional or mandatory. Under the Reflections tab, the student can invite both Simulise users and external participants for a reflection. The reflection is always based on the rubrics linked to the assignment.
  2. In the feedback field, below the rubrics, feedback can be provided. This feedback becomes visible to the student, who will receive a notification. Feedback can be given in the form of text, audio, and files.

Assign review

When a review is completed, the student will always receive a notification. If a badge is awarded, it will also appear in the student’s Latest Badges overview. In Simulise, we recognize three review options:

  • Return Assignment: A submitted assignment can be returned to the student. The assignment will then be available to the student again with the status Resubmit. When an assignment is returned, the reviewer must provide feedback explaining the reason for the return. Additionally, a new deadline can be set specifically for the reviewed student.
  • Assign Review: The review provided on the rubrics is finalized and delivered to the student.
    • After Assign Review is clicked, a button labeled Show rubrics judgement appears next to it, allowing you to adjust your review if needed. Badges are automatically generated based on the average result, but if you wish to assign a different badge, you can do so using the slider.
  • Complete without Review: If no review is required, Complete without Review can be used.

Once the choice is made, select Finish to send the result to the student.

Does the review need to be revised? At the bottom of this page, you can see how the given review can still be adjusted.

Review from the group overview - assignment overview

From the group overview, you can see which students within the group are assigned to which assignments. This can be done through the Assignments Overview. The overview also provides an easy way to review assignments.

After clicking on Assignments Overview, a screen will open displaying all assignments that have been distributed to this group, along with their corresponding statuses.

  • In the overview, various statuses can be found. Each status has its own color/icon:
    • Student has not started the assignment: White circle
    • Assignment is in progress: Blue square with ...
    • Deadline has passed: Red square with exclamation mark
    • Student asked for feedback: Yellow square with question mark
    • Assignment can be reviewed: Yellow square with exclamation mark
    • Assignment finished without review: Yellow square with checkmark
    • Assignment finished with review: Green square with checkmark
    • Assignment finished (no review possible): Green square with checkmark

  1. Choose one assignment that you want to review and click on the square boxes under the student’s profile picture.
  2. When you click on it, the student’s assignment will open, along with a list of students in the group beside it.

  1. Now evaluate the assignment. Then select the white arrow next to Finish. Choose the option Finish & Next. If you select this, you will proceed directly to the next student who is also waiting for a review of this assignment.
  2. The expand icon under the students' profile pictures can also be expanded. When expanded, the names of the students will also be displayed.

Downloading Submitted Work

Would you like to save and store all submissions made by students for an assignment in one location? You can do that. Use the Download Submissions option by:

  • Clicking on the blue square in the assignments module or assignments overview for the specific assignment and selecting Download Submissions.
    • The download will then appear in your notifications overview.

Adjusting a Review

A review can always be adjusted by the evaluator of the assignment. You can do this by going to the specific assignment for the student. This can be done by:

  • Searching for the student using the user search feature.
  • Going to the group overview and finding the student.
  • Going directly to the assignments overview and locating the assignment that needs the review adjusted.

Once the assignment is opened, it will display the assignment along with the review. At the bottom of the page, you will now see the option to Edit Review. Click on this, and you can reevaluate the assignment.

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