How can I review an assignment?

Submitted work is checked by teachers. You must be added as an assessor to the assignment or in the student's group to be a teacher.
There are 3 places where you can find assignments to be graded:
  • At Review in left navigation menu.
  • Under Notifications in the notification center in the main menu.
  • At the group's Assignments overview.

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This explanation is about reviewing via Review in the left menu.
  1. Go to Review. Here is the list of assignments that you need to check or answer the question of.
  2. If desired, filter on the right on, for example, Group, StudentSpecific assignment or sort by last name at Assigned to. This way you can tailor the list specifically to your goal.
  3. Click on the title of the student's assignment you want to review. The result opens immediately.
  4. The portfolio items that have been submitted are listed under Submitted documents. Click on it to view and close it.
  5. When Rubrics have been used, you will see a photo of the student at the bottom of each criteria, indicating the student's choice. The choice of level can also be substantiated under the choice field.
  6. You are now required to assess the rubrics yourself. By clicking on the criteria field, your choice will be established. If everything needs to be assessed at one level, you can click on the image (in the example below -> Platinum, gold, silver, or bronze). By clicking on it, the underlying criterion fields will be automatically selected.

If the assignment contains Optional rubrics and the student has not filled them in himself, you cannot score the rubric as a teacher.

7. You can also only provide feedback by filling in the feedback field and clicking the Return Assignment button. Feedback can be provided in the form of text, voice, and files. The assignment then becomes available to the student again and the feedback appears as a notification. It is also possible to adjust the due date for this student.

When providing feedback, the assignment will be marked uncompleted for the student and no badges will be awarded. The student can submit a new piece.

The student will receive a notification of this:

  1. With Badge(s) allocation overview, the badge is automatically determined based on the average. If you want to change this, you can click on another badge. When assigning badge(s), check that the assignment is on the correct rating!

  1. Now click on Award Badge(s) to complete the assessment. The student will receive a notification.
  2. When you filter on a specific assignment and chose for 'Finish & next' then you are redirected to the next (same) assignment to review.
  3. When you chose for Finish then you will be redirected to the selected list and you can check the next assignment to review.
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