Submit assignment

The five assignments with the closest deadlines, prepared for you, will appear on the student's dashboard in the assignments tile. Additionally, you can choose the assignments module via the menu. Here, a table will appear with all assignments and lesson plans, along with their corresponding status, that are prepared for you.

To submit an assignment, you need to click on an assignment without the status under review or Completed. Then the assignment becomes visible, always starting with the assignment description.

Attaching deliverable to the assignment

An assignment may require you to attach one or more items to the assignment. However, this is not mandatory, so there may be assignments without submission items or assignments where submission items are optional.

  1. Under hand in your work, items can be attached to the assignment. The requirements for the submission items are displayed under this is what you need. After reviewing the requirements, click on: + Choose a item.
  2. Next, you can choose to create a new file and directly attach it to an assignment or select an item from your portfolio.
    1. If you choose an item that is set to Draft in your portfolio's privacy settings, the privacy setting will automatically change to Visible to my reviewer(s).

Reflection on the rubrics

Just like submission items, it is not always necessary to reflect on an assignment. Reflections can be mandatory, optional, or not required at all. If a rubric is provided, it may be that the reflection is mandatory.

  1. For each criterion, you must choose the level at which you rate yourself. After making a choice, a field will appear below to provide an explanation for your choice. This is not mandatory. Both the completed rubric and any explanations will be visible for the reviewer(s) after submitting the assignment.
    1. Reflections are saved intermittently, allowing you to start a reflection and finish it later.

Note: All parts must be completed. Otherwise, the Submit button will not become active, and you will not be able to submit the assignment definitively.

  1. If you want to change the reflection, you can choose either a different criterion field or the reset button, which will clear the rubric entirely. Even after submission, it is still possible to adjust the reflection. If this is still possible, you choose the withdraw option and then resubmit the assignment.
  2. After the reviewers have completed their assessment, the student will receive the badge they gave themselves and the badge they received from the reviewer(s).

Inviting for reflection

This field will not be visible for every assignment. Under invite, you can send a reflection invitation. It may be required to send a minimum and maximum number of invitations. All users (teachers, students, and external users) within the entire environment can be invited. The invited user will then have the option to provide a reflection.

After the assignment has been submitted, it is still possible to send an additional invitation if the maximum number of invitations has not yet been exceeded.

Requesting feedback in questions

A student may have the opportunity to ask questions about the assignment. The configuration of the assignment determines how many feedback questions the student may submit to the reviewer(s).

  1. The text will indicate how many questions can be asked per assignment.
  2. Feedback questions can be asked and answered in the form of text, audio, and/or files.
  3. If your question is answered, you will receive a notification.
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